Florida Drug Court Case Management System (FDCCMS)
The Office of the State Courts Administrator (OSCA) contracted with Advanced Computer Technologies (ACT) to create the Florida Drug Court Case Management System (FDCCMS) that was initially used for the adult post-adjudicatory expansion program. The FDCCMS is now managing cases in other problem-solving courts throughout the state. As of February 2024, a total of 110 problem-solving courts are utilizing the system. The FDCCMS is designed to handle the case management, program outcome, and evaluation needs of drug courts, veterans courts, and mental health courts. The FDCCMS streamlines data collection and entry allowing problem-solving court coordinators and case managers to efficiently manage their caseloads and monitor program outcomes. Some of the benefits of the FDCCMS are instant client and program level reports, custom staffing reports and dockets, customizable drug test panels, and bulk tasks for quickly entering routine data. The FDCCMS is web-based for easy and secure access. The OSCA provides the funding for web hosting, support, and maintenance of the FDCCMS. There is no cost for Florida's problem-solving courts to use the FDCCMS.
- Web Browser Application - the FDCCMS is a secure web-based system that restricts access using Microsoft Active Directory (AD) for user authentication.
- Data Entry - the FDCCMS has easy-to-use screens which allow the user to enter critical data elements, from initial screening through drug court exit.
- Management Reports - the FDCCMS has the capability for on-demand reports to be generated based on required criteria. These reports provide up-to-date information on program performance measures.
- The Drug Court Analysis System (DCAS) component of the FDCCMS provides the analytical tools for judges, case managers, drug court administrators, and evaluators to describe or compare groups of individuals who were either screened for or admitted to drug court.
Additional Information
- The FDCCMS provides a detailed user guide, training videos, printable forms and other resources from its Main Menu options.
- For more information, please contact the the Office of the State Court Administrator's FDCCMS manager at fdccms@866kq.com.